#We should have more fanfiction where jean is failing at this raising a kid thing and needs help
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moonilit · 1 month ago
Some opinions: as much as I love Jean, and I love her so much I can’t agree with the take that she is Klee’s mom. Like I don’t personally agree with the fanon take klee being a jealuc child, Just because neither of them know how to talk let alone take care of a kid. lets be real Klee is primarily being raised by Kaeya and Albedo, Jean doesn’t know how to raise her, she claim responsibility because she sees it as her duty to mondstadt, she is the acting grand master if it not her then who? she also was raised by her military mom who put all her legacy and duty onto her first daughter and while yes Jean embraced it, you can’t tell me it doesn’t show, she talk to klee how her own mother talked to her, which is not what a kid like klee want so there is always a short in communication there. Im not saying Jean doesn’t care she care about klee im saying she isn’t that great at it because of her own limited and military upbringings, she gets like a 6/10 from me at best
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mangolover · 4 years ago
Christmas Get Together - Ikevamp Mozart fanfiction
Title: Christmas Get Together
Prompt: “Oi! That’s my hot chocolate!”
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire  / Ikevamp
Pairing: Mozart X You (F!Reader)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: cringy fluff
Spoilers: No spoliers that would ruin Mozart’s route. GO READ IT, I LOVED IT AND I JUST FINISHED IT YESTERDAY!
Word Count: 1900+
Description: You suggest that residents and Will have a little family get together on the Christams day since it’s a modern tradition and after a fun snowball fight, you decide to make yourself some hot chocolate.
Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates it! I wish You a wonderful day and some amazing gifts!  💖
It wasn't a common tradition to celebrate Christmas in the 19th century France like it is in present time. But since it was your first December in Le Comte’s mansion, you decided to propose the idea of having a little “family get together” to Comte. You were even ready to invite William Shakespeare, even if some of the residents like Theo and Leo weren’t too happy with that idea. Comte was aware of the celebrations that were happening in the present and he was more than happy to help you organize your little gathering.
You, Comte and Sebastian discussed everything that was necessary.
“Is there any way we can get even a fake Christmas tree to decorate? It’s a common tradition for families to gather together on the Christmas Eve and decorate it, putting the star on the top and then place the presents under it, telling kids that Santa put them under.”
“I’m sorry ma chérie, that might not be possible on such a short notice,” Come de Saint-Germain said with an apologetic look on his face. That was understandable, after all it’s not a tradition yet. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a little sad.
“So, we will have to discuss all the meals we need to make. Not to mention baking all the cookies,” Sebastian was making a mental check list and mumbling to himself. That really sounds like a lot of work, though.
Half an hour late, you three have planned everything and the only thing left to do was inform all the residents and send an invitation to Will. As you were walking down the hall, collecting dirty sheets to wash, you heard the melody of piano coming for the music room. It was a new composition, that was for sure. It was a happy melody, filled with love and leaving a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest. Playing the piano was none other than your lover, a talented and famous Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. You knew that you had work to do and that he wouldn’t mind you coming into the room to listen to him playing, but you decided to sneak up closer to enjoy that feeling just a tad bit longer. You put the basket with laundry down and crept up to doors to music room on your tippy toes, holding your breath and trying to make as little sound as possible.
But like any other time, Mozart heard you and stopped playing. That startled you and you tried to get away unnoticed, but failed miserably as Mozart opened the door with a raised eyebrow. You turned your head around and gave him a sheepish smile. He just let out a little sigh, shaking his head with a smile on his face.
“How many times do I have to tell you meine liebe? You’re always welcome to stop by and listen, no need to try sneaking up on me.”
“Sorry, I kind of get lost in that melody you were playing. It’s perfect for this winter time.”
“Why do you think so?” He asked, a puzzled expression on his delicate face.
“Well, in future we celebrate this holiday called Christmas on 25th of December. And all the Christmas songs leave a fuzzy and warm feeling in your chest, just like this one.” You explained with a smile on your face. Christmas was your favorite holiday ever, “that reminded me! We’re having a little get together in the mansion that day. Everyone will be there, even Shakespeare.”
On mention of William’s name, Mozart made a bitter face, but he knew you were getting along just fine with him. You respected him and you would sometimes go hang out with him and Vincent when either Vincent asked you to accompany him or when Theo asked you to look out for him so that, and I quote, “Snake”, can’t manipulate him.
“So, can I count on my lover to be there as well?” You asked sweetly.
“You know I can’t leave you alone because you would end up doing something stupid.”
“That last part was uncalled for!” You pouted, “but I’ll love you, so I’ll forgive you if you give me a kiss.”
Mozart happily obeyed your wish and kissed you tenderly on your lips, placing his hands on your cheeks. When he pulled away, you quickly bid him farewell with a quick embrace and then you went to do your usual work, excited about the upcoming event.
And so, preparations started. Everyone has been informed and most of the residents were eager to help you prepare for this, dear to you, modern holiday. You even got shy Isaac to join you, but under one condition. You, Arthur and Dazai are not allowed to make fun of him. And Theo was only helping and attending because Vincent made him and Napoleon bribed him with his pancakes.
When the 25th of December finally arrived, you were ready to eat till you were sick and then relax in the living room where Mozart would his new composition that left you feeling so warm and fuzzy the last time you heard it. Of course, you had to beg him and bribe him with chocolate, but he promised that he will play it, only because you are the one that asked him to do it.
That morning you woke up before the dawn and got out of Mozart’s bed, trying not to wake him up. You silently got ready for this special day and got down to kitchen to help Sebastian with the breakfast and slowly started making the special lunch menu you and him have settled on. Residents slowly started piling up in the dinning room as they woke up, getting their rouge or blanc and some breakfast if they wanted.
Fast forward to lunch time. You helped Sebastian serve everyone a meal and then grabbed yourself something. All 13 of you sat down at the table and everyone silently turned their heads toward you, staring.
“Uh, do I have something on my face?” You asked nervously and gently outstretched your hand towards a napkin.
“Could you all not stare at her, please?” Mozart lowered his gaze, “you’re all clearly making her uncomfortable.”
“My apologies Mozart,” Comte chimed in with a polite smile, “we’re all wondering what we should do next.”
“Oh, I forgot about the traditional toast, I’m sorry everyone!” You apologized and slowly rose to your feet, gently raising your glass and softly calling: “I wish you all a merry Christmas, I’m really happy I have this amazing opportunity to celebrate this holiday with my family, and that includes you too William. So, I wish you all a pleasant rest of the day and I would once again like to thank You all with all your help and for this opportunity, I love you all”, you finished with a smile on your face and everyone smiled, even Mozart, Jean, Isaac and Theo and followed your lead, rising their glasses and wishing each other a merry Christmas.
After the wonderful lunch, you all moved to the living room where the piano from the music room was moved so Mozart could play for you all.
“Remember, you owe me a chocolate,” he whispered in your ear before walking and settling down at the piano followed by the applause of the audience. His fingers flowed from one key to the other, a soft smile on his lips. He was in his own world now and you started at him in awe. No matter how many times you watched him play, you were always fascinated by it. You’re sure you will never get bored of his playing.
Few nice comments and one more applause arose from the residents and yourself as the last note faded and Mozart dipped in a little bow, announcing the last part of this get together. Qualitly family time!
“Okay everyone, settle down” you spoke, “now is the time for some Christmas stories and hanging out.” And so, you told them of many modern Christmas stories, some happy and some sad. And when you noticed the sunset begging to appear, you suggested to go out and have a snowball fight in the garden.
“Got you Hondje!” Theo called out as he hit you right in the face with a snowball. The impact made you stumble backwards and you fell on your bum. You quickly wiped the snow of your face and opened your eyes only to see Mozart’s worried face a few inches away from yours, tinting your cheeks a slight rosy color. “Are you alright, meine liebe?” Mozart asked, his voice full of affection and worry.
“Yeah, I’m alright don’t worry Wolf” you smiled and he got to his feet, only for Theo to make his way to you and hold out his hand, “I’m sorry hondje, here.”
He helped you to your feet and you laughed, shoving some of the snow you picked up before you took his hand, right in his face. This irritated him and you had to start running for your dear life as other residents laughed. “I’m sorry Theo, please don’t kill me!”
“Come here Hondje, I just want to talk!” He shouted behind you, throwing some snowballs your way.
“Theo, be gentle!” Vincent yelled out of concern for you even if he knew Theo wouldn’t hurt you.
“Eeek! Let me go!” You screeched with surprise as Theo caught up to you and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He had much longer legs after all. He carried you back to the group of residents that have all scattered around as Comte and Leonardo teamed up and dominated over them, throwing seemingly endless number of snowballs their way.
“Well Theo, that’s no way to treat a lady” Arthur said with a teasing smile, rising from his hiding place only to get hit by a snowball.
“You’re going to make our little Wolf jealous,” Dazai chimed in, giving away his safe spot, only he managed to avoid getting hit.
Theo put you down and you couldn’t stop laughing, clearly having the time of your life as you ran to Comte and Leo and joined them in shooting other residents.
And so, your little snowball fight continued on late into the afternoon. You all only returned back in to the mansion because you were all freezing and your hands felt numb. Some of the residents decided to go and warm themselves in thermae while some decided to go back to their rooms, seeking a change of clothes. You however decided to go change into some warm and dry clothes and then head to the kitchen.
You wanted to make yourself some hot chocolate since that would definitely warm you up and you always remembered drinking it as a kid in the winter. But just as you poured the hot beverage into your mug, you felt someone’s warmth against your back and saw a delicate hand reaching for it.
“Oi! That’s my hot chocolate!” you turned around ready to fight anyone who might try and take you favorite drink from you, only to see Mozart with a smirk on his face.
“As I already said, meine liebe, you owe me some chocolate, so I’ll be taking this now” he said and stepped to the side.
“Whatever, I’ll just make myself another one” you said with a little sigh and a shrug.
After you put the milk on the stove you stole a glance Mozart’s way, only to see him with a childlike grin on his face as he slowly sipped his hot chocolate. You had to place a hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle back and not ruin that adorable sight that surely warmed your heart and made this Christmas the best one so far.
 The end!
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grrover · 5 years ago
Title: you’re no better at swimming than you were in the beginning, but you come over at night and we practice all the breathing (Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase)
Word Count: 7.3k
Summary:  “Well, it’s hard for me to be scared of something that you live in.”
 AU - Mortals, Neighbors
Author’s note: I was listening to Lorde’s “No Better” and the lyrics that I used for the title have always inspired me to create something, so I wrote this (closely based on those lyrics and loosley based on the song in general). I haven’t written fanfiction in 4 years, so I’m a little rusty. This was originally supposed to be a quick one-shot but quickly turned into something more, so I hope y’all enjoy!
[on AO3]
Annabeth was terrified of water. 
Swimming pool, pond, lake, ocean – it was all the same to her. It was as if the substance was alive, waiting to consume her whole. She wasn’t entirely sure when her vendetta against water had begun. Maybe it was during those infant swimming lessons her dad had attempted with her (the supposed reflex for baby Annabeth to flip herself onto her back just never kicked in). Maybe it was just her fear of the unknown because with Annabeth she had to know, and the fact that the most concrete fact about the ocean was that 95% of it was unknown wasn’t cutting it for her. She’ll stay on land. She’ll stay dry. She’ll stick to what she knew.
And that’s exactly what she did. That’s what she did when she was asked on her first date in the eighth grade, her step-mother nearly exploding with excitement as she stormed through Annabeth’s closet picking what she should wear, asking where he was taking her. The answer was initially going to be a ride on his boat, but Annabeth insisted on going to an arcade instead. She knew the place, she won all the games, he didn’t ask her out again. She knew he wouldn’t, she knew she could be intimidating… so why not test the waters?
That’s also what she did after Piper had grabbed her by the belt loops and kissed her at the beginning of ninth grade. She allowed herself to dip her toe into the unknown – just for a couple of months – exploring what could be a relationship with one of her closest friends. It was good, she liked girls, she knew she liked girls. But she also knew that Piper was not for her, not right now. She was better off as Annabeth’s friend. She knew that. And she knew Piper knew that too.
That’s not what she did when Percy Jackson moved next door the month before her sophomore year. Messy haired, browned skin, green-eyed Percy. She tried to observe him from the comfort of her window nook as he aided his parents in unpacking the moving truck. He was taller than his mother, even taller than his father, and appeared to be laughing at jokes said in passing. The corner of her lip curved into a slight smile – he was nice. It was then she decided to go introduce herself when she knew the time was right; when they were done unloading boxes.
She decided to go downstairs and do something else in the meantime, rather than risking having her snooping area found out by the new neighbors. As she began to sip on a cup of water at the kitchen island, her father and half-brother’s burst through the front door, both of them bubbling with excitement. 
“The new neighbors are so cool,” Matthew exclaimed, his twin brother, Bobby, nodding vigorously in agreement. 
So much for waiting for the right time. Yet, Annabeth couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement as well: new neighbors, cool new neighbors, with a son that was around her age. 
“Oh, really,” Annabeth rested against the island, raising her eyebrows in interest, “what’s so cool about them?”
By that point, Bobby and Matthew were nearly bouncing off the walls as they informed her of all the digestible, yet important details. Like how the son is her age, how they had just moved to San Francisco from New York City, how his name was Percy…
“And they have a massive pool in their yard. Percy said he’s going to teach us how to swim!”
Her dad just chuckled, putting a hand on both Bobby and Matthew’s shoulders as they walked closer towards the kitchen island together towards Annabeth, “Boys, you already know how to swim.”
“Annabeth doesn’t,” Bobby said as he hopped on a seat, Matthew followed suit. 
Annabeth narrowed her eyes, leaning towards the two of them from the opposite end of the island, blonde curls falling over her shoulders as she stared daggers at the twins, “Well did you tell him that?”
The lack of an answer from the two was all she needed, “I so don’t need to learn how to swim! Why would you tell him that?”
“Because you so do! He’s joining your school’s swim team so he knows his stuff,” Matthew rebutted. 
Fifth graders. Annabeth didn’t even have the time to murder them before her father sent her out to say hello. So, Annabeth stomped towards the house next door, her initial excitement about the new neighbors squashed by her annoyance for her little brothers. Of course, Percy’s a swimmer, of course, he’s going to her high school. The family was nowhere in sight outside, so Annabeth assumed that they had finished unloading the van – maybe timing worked in her favor after all.
She walked to the front door, lifting her fist to knock on it, but just as she did the door swung open and she was face to face with tall, messy-haired, browned skinned Percy. He had on a crisp olive green t-shirt, with black ripped jeans showing the scars and bruises scattered across his summer skin. His slightly overgrown jet black curls framed his face, a strand falling between his brows and resting right before the bridge of his nose. He was an unexpected hybrid between a skater boy and a surfer kid, belonging to both New York City yet appearing to be a California native simultaneously. Annabeth couldn’t help but notice the faded freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks, ending perfectly under his sea-green eyes. Sea-green eyes… maybe the water wasn’t so bad after all.
Percy’s eyes darted from Annabeth’s raised fist (which she quickly lowered) to her face, his initial slight alarm turning into a pleasantly surprised grin.
“You must be Annabeth,” he said, looking down at her with mischief dancing across his eyes, “the sister who can’t swim.”
The water continued to be unbearable. 
“He looks like an idiot.”
“He looks like Annabeth’s type.”
Annabeth refused to look up from her sketchbook, definitely not because she was blushing, more because she was focused. AP 3-D Art and Design was one of the few classes where she could see both Piper and Thalia at the same time, with Piper being a freshman and Thalia being a senior. For Annabeth, it was a class taken to further her career, giving her the creative space and resources she needed to strengthen her architectural portfolio. For Thalia and Piper, well, they thought it would be easier. Yet with Piper never failing to have a ceramics piece explode in the kiln and Thalia’s hatred for the texture of slip, the two of them resorted to scrolling through Percy’s Instagram page.
The Jackson family had progressively started to spend more time with the Chases and, as a result, Percy and Annabeth had begun to spend more time together as well. It startled Annabeth to her core that she had begun to trust Percy so much in such a short period of time.
“I have mommy issues,” she said to him one summer day, partially a joke, partially a bitter nod to her biological mother who had abandoned her and her father. She didn’t remember the conversation that prompted her to say this, and she wasn’t entirely sure what she expected to get out of Percy with that line. The two of them were merely lying on the loungers in Annabeth’s backyard: Annabeth with sunglasses on, staring up at the sky trying to soak up in the last few moments of summer freedom, Percy glistening with beads of water across his body because he had just lifted himself out of his pool before sprinting to Annabeth’s side to shake himself off on her. She was annoyed, yes, but the youthful laughter that spilled out from Percy’s lips upon seeing her frustration melted away all feelings of indignation.
So with all things considered, Annabeth expected an awkward laugh at least, maybe an equivalent joke about Percy’s own parental issues at best. Family problems had been one of their first bonding points, after all. But instead, Percy rolled onto his side to face Annabeth and asked in a charming yet cautious voice for Annabeth to take off her sunglasses. 
After gazing into her eyes, after seeing what was truly behind that statement, he simply asked “Do you want to talk about her?”
And that’s all Annabeth needed that afternoon.
What she didn’t need was Thalia and Piper scrolling through Percy’s Instagram page when they should be doing their work.
“Please don’t like anything on accident,” Annabeth begged as she leaned over to look at the picture Piper had pulled up. It was Percy submerged in the blue of the ocean, fish swarming around his body as he flashed a peace sign at the camera. He was wearing a wetsuit and scuba diving gear, his fin-wearing feet floating beneath him, brushing the coral and sand that lay at the bottom, as his upper body turned towards the camera. And despite the regulator that covered his mouth Annabeth could tell he was wearing a shit-eating grin based off of the gleam of excitement and mischief present in his eyes. Percy fucking Jackson.
“He’s definitely an idiot, Thalia, and he’s definitely not my type, Piper,” Annabeth replied before assuming the position she had before, going back to her sketch. 
“Oh, no, I think he’s your type,” Thalia corrected as she plucked Piper’s phone from her hands and continued to scroll down the page, “But I also think he’s an idiot. You guys would even each other out in every sense.”
She put extra emphasis on the last two words right as she turned the phone towards Annabeth, showing a similar scuba diving picture as before – God, is that all this boy could do? – that was captioned “I basically live in the water.”
Annabeth hated the water almost as much as she hated how perfect Percy’s loose curls looked floating in it.
The end of Annabeth and Percy’s sophomore year was bookmarked by a Jackson-Chase “End-of-Year” and “Thalia’s-Actually-Graduating” hybrid celebration. The two families opened up their fences so all invited parties could easily go in and out between the two yards, with a barbeque in the Chase backyard and the pool in the Jackson backyard being a center of wet, splashing, chaos. Annabeth’s father was at the grill rotating hot dogs and burgers, using Annabeth’s Yankees baseball cap to keep his hair out of his face in the midst of the newfound barely-even-summer-yet heat. In the distance, Annabeth could hear Bobby and Matthew hitting the surface of the Jacksons’ above ground pool, screeching and giggling as they blasted Percy with the water soakers he had gifted them earlier in the day.
“In honor of your fifth-grade graduation and the fact that I am no longer thirteen years old,” he had said in an obnoxiously declarative tone, emerging from his backdoor, a water soaker in each hand. He had the same shit-eating grin he had on in all his scuba diving photos – not that Annabeth had studied them periodically ever since that one conversation with Thalia and Piper, she would never – and his hair was beginning to become overgrown once again. 
Her brother’s beaming faces almost put Percy’s own smile to shame as they each took one as Percy finished his statement with, “Plus, I have a spare one that I can use to attack Annabeth with.”
He turned towards her and winked as her brothers voiced their gratitude and dashed to Annabeth’s kitchen to fill up their new weapons with the fatal substance.
“You need a haircut,” Annabeth said as she reached up on her tiptoes to brush Percy’s loose curls out of his face with her fingers.
“I like having my hair like this in the summer,” Percy replied, taking Annabeth’s wrist in his hand and lowering it away from his forehead, “You think it makes me look more like a Californian?”
Annabeth blamed the burning of her cheeks on the sun – God, why was it so hot today? – and nodded slowly, “Oh, yeah, I noticed the overgrown hair look in the summer. Does it make scuba diving any less terrifying, or are you just part fish? Would explain the small brain.”
She didn’t realize what her words had insinuated until Percy raised his eyebrows at her, the shit-eating grin finding its way back onto his newly freckled face. He hadn’t posted scuba diving pictures since before he moved to San Francisco at the end of last summer, and they were very much buried in his feed. The sun suddenly got a lot hotter.
So now, in the midst of this Jackson-Chase hybrid celebration, Annabeth hoped that her brothers would blast Percy with their water guns so hard that he lost all memory of that conversation. Maybe she was overreacting, maybe just a little bit, but she couldn’t have Percy Jackson thinking that she liked him or anything… unless he liked her.
Annabeth aggressively bit into her vaguely burnt hot dog. Fuck, she thought, examining the scene that played out in front of her. The sun had begun to set, leaving a hazy pink mark on the horizon as a crisp warm air flooded the backyards. Piper was sitting on the table in Annabeth’s backyard (no matter how many times Annabeth’s step-mother told Piper to not do so, she never listened), facing Thalia’s little brother, Jason, who was sitting on the chair in front of her. They seemed to be caught up in an interesting conversation, based upon the sly smile and glimmer in Piper’s eyes and Jason’s animated gestures. Her father had finished grilling and was now caught up in a conversation with Thalia’s parents and Paul, Percy’s step-father.
“I had no doubt in my mind Thalia was going to graduate, I swear!” Annabeth’s father exclaimed, 
She smiled softly to herself. How bittersweet; Thalia, her mentor, her best friend, was leaving her, and it was beginning to seem like the end of an era, but maybe it was only the beginning of something else. She could still hear the shrieks and splashes coming from the Jackson side of the party, the sounds of wet feet dashing across their’ evergreen grass. Annabeth could even hear Thalia joining in on whatever rambunctious game Percy and her brothers had invented with their water soakers, screaming at Percy about how idiotic he was before more splashing took place. 
Maybe this was the beginning of Annabeth’s new era, one that had Percy Jackson in it. One that was filled with more talks like the one she had about her mother and the dozens more that followed, where she could just talk and Percy just listened, staring up at her with sea-green eyes that somehow managed to whisper all the right words in her ear. One that would allow her to continue fostering the undeniable bond that she and Percy had formed in the handful of months since he moved in next door, the bond that allowed him to let tears stream down his face as Annabeth watched and stroked his arm. She didn’t always entirely know what to say to him, and that killed her, but Percy told her that that was okay, that her just being there helped. She knew how to just be there, and she knew she wouldn’t forget how to anytime soon, either.
Maybe she did like Percy Jackson.
Maybe she could go inside the pool.
She already had on a purple swimsuit under her athletic shorts, all she need to do was go over there and dive in. Piper and Jason had already fled to the pool party side and all the adults had migrated to the Chase backyard. Annabeth jumped up and brushed her hands off on her shorts, she was going to do it. She marched towards the Jacksons’ yard and through the fence, and before her eyes could even register what was occurring she was met with three water soakers blasting her chest, stomach, and face.
“Oh my god, wait!” she screamed, putting her hands up in a pathetic attempt to stop the assault. But her screams soon dissolved into unmistakable laughter as she darted across the yard. Percy and her brothers chased after her, unforgiving with the pressure of their soakers. Piper, Jason, and Thalia picked sides from their spots inside the pool, shouting different tactics at the four players in the relentless game of chase.
“The pool is the safe spot!” Jason shouted at Annabeth, “Get in!”
He didn’t know about Annabeth’s irrational fear, fair enough. But maybe this was her cue, after all, the pool wasn’t deep, it’s not like she could drown, and if all else fails Thalia was in there to save her. Those were facts. She knew she would be fine in this pool, Percy Jackson’s above ground pool. With that, Annabeth managed to outrun Percy and her brothers and dart up the ladder of the pool before launching herself into the water.
And Annabeth wasn’t going to lie, the water was freezing and, for a split second, she was terrified. Then she felt Thalia’s warm hand on her shoulder from above the water, the laughter of all her friends, the laughter of Percy, distorted from underneath the surface. Annabeth was fine, she knew that. She broke the surface, greeting her stunned brothers and an entertained Percy Jackson with a stuck-out tongue and middle finger. Pool water, especially Percy Jackson’s above ground pool water, wasn’t that unbearable after all. 
Within the next couple of hours, Annabeth’s step-mother came to put her brothers to bed, Annabeth’s father had cleaned up from the barbeque in their backyard, the Graces had gone home, and Piper’s father sent a driver to pick her up.
“Famous father things,” Piper sighed before giving Annabeth a warm hug and jogging to the car, towel around her neck. 
Soon, it was just Annabeth and Percy in her kitchen, soaking wet with towels around the necks. Percy’s curls were weighed down by the water, sticking to his forehead. Annabeth’s blonde curls were in a similar fashion, except slicked down to the back of her head, neck, and down her back. They were both cupping mugs of tea as they sat at the kitchen island, shivering due to the cool wind that came with the near-summer nights (it probably didn’t help that Annabeth left the back sliding door wide open). She knew her step-mother would be furious that she and Percy had tracked in water from the pool, but at that moment Annabeth didn’t care. She didn’t even think about it. All she could think about was how she and Percy had stayed in the pool by themselves, hours after everybody had left, and now it was midnight and Percy Jackson was in her kitchen drinking tea with water droplets glistening all over his arms and chest with his freckles coming in across his nose and on his cheeks and his sea-green eyes looking down at her.
Annabeth knew that she was staring up at Percy as if he was the sun itself, and in a way he was. It was midnight and Percy Jackson was the sun itself. Percy Jackson’s pool water wasn’t that unbearable. The most nervewracking and electrifying part about the entire interaction was that Percy was staring right back at her, sipping his tea carefully as he tried to crack the code that was Annabeth Chase, but Annabeth hadn’t even begun to crack it herself yet.
Percy was the first one to break it – whatever it was – and put his mug down on the island with a soft clank.
“So...,” he started, and Annabeth couldn’t help but notice the bead of water that ran along the curvature of his cheek, “those swimming lessons your brother’s signed you up for last summer…?”
He looked back down at her, his usual easy and playful demeanor was replaced with a mysterious and calculating gaze and Annabeth didn’t know. She didn’t know why he looked at her like that and why she looked at him like that. She didn’t know how to handle all that was Percy – he was unknown to her in every sense. He had just moved in not even a year ago and yet she had confided in him about everything and he did the same. He knew her just as well as Piper and Thalia did, and they had known Annabeth for years, what was the logic behind that? That’s what was terrifying, there was no logic to what she felt for Percy Jackson. Every nerve in her body was telling her to go to bed, tell Percy goodnight and end whatever was going on right now because she did not know where this was going. She wanted to go back onto the dry land, forget the ocean.
She looked up at Percy and pressed her lips together in a small smile, “I believe I’ll be taking them… Mr. Jackson, is it?”
The playful and shit-eating grin crashed right back into Percy’s face and Annabeth couldn’t help but notice how close they were. How she suddenly noticed the water droplets decorating his lashes and the slight pink flush that was beginning to flood the area where Percy’s freckles were sprinkled across his nose and cheeks and underneath his eyes. She also noticed how easy it would be to lean in, to grab him by the back of his sunkissed neck decorated in water droplets that the midnight light hit just right and kiss him. And she knew Percy had the same idea as well. 
And then the upstairs light flickered on and Percy jumped out of his seat.
“So, swimming lessons,” he sputtered out.
“Tomorrow?” Annabeth asked.
He grabbed his towel and attempted to return to his playful and nonchalant stance as his eyes flickered nervously up towards the staircase, and Annabeth couldn’t help but wonder which family member she had to strangle once she got upstairs, “Tomorrow.”
So that summer they had swimming lessons. Annabeth learned how to back float and Percy even began to show her proper form, detailing what do do if she ever found herself drowning. Honestly? Annabeth couldn’t care less about the different types of strokes and what makes a bad or good form. She did care about how Percy held her up in the water as he guided her arms and legs, informing her on all things swimming with his mouth close to her ear. And Annabeth could feel her ratio between knowing and unknowing grow larger, but one thing she did know for sure was that Percy Jackson’s above ground pool water wasn’t unbearable.
The next summer Percy Jackson’s above ground pool was replaced with an inground pool that had no shallow end, and it was as if Annabeth could see the number that represented the things she knew now and the number that represented the things she didn’t know now grow further apart in distance right before her eyes. She tried to describe her frustration to Piper and Thalia who, upon Thalia coming back from college for the summer, were at the Chase residence almost all the time now.
“It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be,” Piper said, sitting in the very nook that Annabeth sat in the day she watched the Jacksons move in next door. Piper looked out the window at the Jackson residence, “Plus you have an attractive swim team coming, like, twice a week now if that’s any consolation.”
Thalia made a face from her position on Annabeth’s bed, probably because she knew that Piper had a thing with her little brother at the moment. She had been concentrating on painting her nails a sickening shade of duo chromatic black and electrifying blue but flicked her eyes upwards to glance at Piper.
“For Annabeth! Not for me.”
Annabeth was being overreactive and selfish, this she knew, which is why she didn’t voice her feelings to Percy. His mom had gotten the inground pool installed in celebration for Percy being named captain of the swim team at the end of their junior year. It was also just convenient now considering that since he was the new captain, he would be able to host the team at his house. Annabeth remembered the youthful excitement that his voice carried as he told her. They were lying on Annabeth’s bed in opposite directions with their heads positioned next to one another’s. Percy had reached up to rest his hand on Annabeth’s curls as they both stared up at the ceiling and reflected on their now completed junior year. And she really was happy for him, ecstatic even. When she heard the pride that dripped from Percy’s voice as he talked about the swim team, his swim team… How could she not be? She didn’t even need to look at his face to know how genuinely happy he was, and between that and his fingers tangled in her hair, all resentment towards the inground pool had dissipated for a small moment.
All the resentment stormed back when she saw that Rachel Dare was on the swim team. She was all curly red hair, freckles, and high cut blue swimsuits. Annabeth was attracted to her yet utterly envious of her without an ounce of logic to back up her reasoning – Rachel had a girlfriend – and it was driving her insane. Add five to the “things she didn’t know” side of the ratio: why does Rachel Dare drive her crazy if she posed no threat? Why did she even feel that there were “threats” to her relationship with Percy? If she and Percy almost kissed last summer then why didn’t she bring it up? Why didn’t he bring it up? Why does she not remember anything from their swimming lessons?
“Well that won’t help,” Thalia said knowingly, examining her nails, “the only swimmer Annabeth pays attention to has lived next door the whole time.”
Annabeth felt her face begin to warm up at that statement, and it only got hotter when Piper turned from the window to smirk at Annabeth, who was seated on the carpet, “Yeah, ever since Percy developed an Apollo’s belt and a bit of abs–.”
“Okay! God!” Annabeth glared at her two friends.
She did owe them, though; that’s the answer to number five. Plus one for “things she knew”, minus one for “things she didn’t know”. There was a direct relationship between the amount of time Percy and Annabeth lived next to each other and how serious he had become about swimming, and, boy, were the results evident. Even outside of his physical appearance, Percy finished his junior year with colleges scouting him to swim on their teams. 
Annabeth remembered the amount of disbelief Percy was in, growing teary-eyed after he hung up from his phone call with UC San Diego. He came crashing into her house, insisting that he needed to be with her when he picked up the phone, claiming that he needed her to be there to comfort him after he fucked it all up. He lay stomach-down on her bed and Annabeth stood in front of him, hands on his shoulders, rubbing circles into his back with her thumbs – he was so fucking tense – as she gazed down at him. He softly put down the phone to his side before pulling Annabeth in by the waist to hug her. Full body sobs shook through him as he cried into her shirt, burying his face deeper and deeper into Annabeth’s stomach, shaking his head. He didn’t need to say anything, Annabeth knew.
“They want me.” His voice was barely a whisper, and if Annabeth wasn’t constantly hyper-focused on Percy’s every move she would have missed it. “They really want me.”
“I know,” Annabeth put her head towards her ceiling, smiling. “I am so proud of you, Seaweed Brain.”
He had begun scuba diving again, and the nickname arose after he returned from one of his day trips. He had sent her a brand new photograph, same shit-eating grin hidden behind all the gear, fins flapping in the water, and two big thumbs up as he posed with a cluster of seaweed. So you don’t have to stalk my Instagram anymore, he had said to her. Annabeth couldn’t get enough.
“Visit me,” he had whispered.
She would have walked off the nonexistent end of the world if he had asked her to. Plus one to “things she didn’t know”: why did he have this power over her? Maybe Piper and Thalia would know the answer to this one, as well. So Annabeth told them about UC San Diego, she told them about the swimming “lessons”, she told them about the red hair, freckles, and high cut blue swimsuits.
And they looked at her like she was stupid.
“Maybe we should all be shocked when Annabeth graduates,” Thalia snorted, finally closing the bottle of nail polish and rolling it around in her hands. “All smarts and logic but can’t see what’s right in front of her.”
Annabeth blinked, unsure what to make of Thalia’s statement. She had equipped her logic – at least she tried to – to no avail. It couldn’t be the length of time she knew Percy that made her feel this way because when she wanted so badly to feel this way about Piper freshman year it didn’t work, and she had known Piper for longer. It couldn’t be due to Percy telling her everything about himself and the way to care about him, because she just knew those things, she picked up on all the little details. He never needed to tell her. Annabeth ran her fingers along the carpet and tried to continue racking her brain but nothing made sense, nothing made sense except for–.
“You love him, and he loves you,” Piper said, turning her attention away from Annabeth to look out at the Jackson residence yet again. “Geez. I thought you knew but were just scared. Or playing dumb.”
Fucking hell. She had been doing a little bit of both; plus one to “things she knew”. 
Piper and Thalia had left her house that night with a vague threat along the lines of Annabeth having to do something about the Percy situation before they did. She had texted them both later, asking for them to give her a couple of days. She needed time to process, to think, to evaluate all the points where she had known about what she felt for Percy without actually knowing; not in the way she needed to have known anyways. Both their responses could be summarized with the words don’t overthink it.
So, of course, Annabeth took that with a grain of salt and dove straight into overthinking. She tried to find the exact moment she started to love him (Was it when they talked about her biological mother? Drinking tea at midnight, cold and soaking wet? Or was it when he drove her around in Paul’s car, promising that he wouldn’t crash it as long as she was inside?). She also tried to find the reason for why she didn’t consider love the answer for so long (Does love defy logic? Was she scared of it?). She tried to find the reasoning behind why Percy hadn’t made the first move if Piper was right; if he did love her (Well why didn’t Annabeth? If she loved him?). She was going in circles. The bridge between the low number of “things she knew” and the ever-increasing number of “things she did not know” grew so undeniably large that no architectural design that Annabeth could ever sketch would resolve it.
Days after Piper and Thalia’s big reveal, Annabeth returned to the window nook where she first saw the Jacksons move in. She hoped that it would help her arrive at all the answers, turning all her “things she did not know” into “things she knew” because she could not take anymore unknowns. She hated unknowns. All Percy Jackson brought with him from the day she first laid eyes on him were unknowns, yet she loved him. Plus one. Annabeth had a mug of tea cupped in her hands as she stared out the window, sipping is gingerly. Before Percy, this had been Annabeth’s space, this was the space where she came to all major realizations at. It comforted her then and she believed that it would now. 
So when she saw Rachel Dare pull up to Percy’s driveway in her white Mercedes with her deadly red-haired-freckled-high-cut-blue-swimsuit-under-denim-shorts combo, Annabeth thought that was her spot giving her a huge middle finger. Annabeth was projecting her own issues onto Rachel, she knew that, so why was envy still burning in her chest? She watched as Percy walked out to greet Rachel, giving her a hug from the side, before the two raced to his backyard. Probably to cannonball into Percy’s eleven-feet deep pool. Percy and Rachel knew where they stood, they had the ability to dive right in because there was no need to hesitate.
So why was Annabeth hesitating with Percy?
She loved him. People had been trying to figure out what the fuck love was since the beginning of time, through science, poetry, prose, and paintings. It was confusing, it was messy, it was unknown. Annabeth knew this. She loved Percy Jackson. Her “things she knew” and “things she did not know” were never going to be concrete as long as she loved, as long as other people kept loving. It was going to fluctuate, it was neither here nor there. She loved Percy Jackson. She knew this. That’s all that she needed. Sure, she did not know all the answers to everything involving love until love was figured out – until someone finally knows all there is to know about love. But that wasn’t her job. Not right now. Right now, she only had one job.
Meet me at your pool at midnight, she texted Percy. Percy Jackson’s eleven-feet deep inground pool was bearable. It was more than bearable, it was what she needed. She just hoped she remembered those above ground pool swimming lessons.
Annabeth and Percy’s friendship had helped her get better at sneaking out at night. Not that they were doing anything forbidden, at least most of the time. The two of them just appreciated each other’s company best when there were no distractions; when the world stood at a weird limbo where it felt like it only belonged to those who were awake at that moment. Annabeth only wanted to share those moments with Percy, and he admitted that he felt the same. So, those moments became their time. 
Annabeth climbed over the Jacksons’ wooden fence like she had done so many times before. She was aware that Percy probably – definitely – left the gate unlocked since he was expecting her, but Annabeth needed the extra adrenaline rush for what she was about to do. She walked to the edge of the pool, the eleven-feet deep pool. The water glistened under the moon, and Annabeth knew that despite the hot summer air the pool would be freezing. She took off her athletic shorts to reveal her purple swimsuit. She dove right in, headfirst.
So much for a leap of faith. Annabeth purposefully showed up only 5 minutes before midnight, wanting to surprise Percy with her skills (best case scenario), or have him be impressed with her for trying prior to coming to her rescue before the water gulped her down (this case scenario). She couldn’t remember anything about a freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, or backstroke. All she could remember was Percy’s hands running across her arms and legs as he held her up, whispering the technicalities in her ear as he checked her form. Maybe she fucked up, maybe this was a mistake and now she was being consumed for nothing. 
In her frenzy, she managed to remember one of the things Percy had told her with his lips pressed up against her ear (why did he ever think that was the best way to instruct her on anything?). He had told her that if she ever found herself drowning, simply flip onto her back (she flipped), allow her head to float to the surface (she floated), and trust and follow the current (if the water going in and out of the pool filter counted as a current then she did that, too). Well, at least she wasn’t dying. This she knew.
As if on cue, Percy slipped out quietly from his back door.
“Annabeth?” he asked frantically before lowering himself into the pool by her side.
“I’m floating,” she replied.
Upon realizing that she was okay, he began to laugh at the predicament he had found her in. Looking back, Annabeth could see how comical that might be. He helped her up onto the poolside, trying to keep himself from exploding into a juvenile fit of laughter right in her face as he began to question her.
“How’d you end up in there?” Percy’s sea-green eyes were crinkled in amusement. “I mean, if you wanted late-night swimming lessons you could’ve just asked.”
He turned to look at her, realizing that she had been incredibly quiet. Annabeth was observing him, trying to read his face. Was Percy Jackson in love with her? She realized that she was worrying him as she saw the playful glisten disappear from his eyes, quickly being replaced by the foggy mystery that was present that night at the kitchen island when water droplets had danced across his eyelashes. There were water droplets dancing across his eyelashes now.
Annabeth broke the silence; “Percy, what are our swimming lessons to you? Were they always just swimming lessons?”
Percy furrowed his brows, but before he had the chance to just respond with another question Annabeth continued.
“Because they weren’t to me. I love you, Percy. I’m not sure when that happened but it doesn’t matter, because I love you now. I jumped into a fucking pool to show it, for God’s sake.” Annabeth laughed to herself, kicking at the water. She looked back up at Percy, but now he was staring down into the pool as if he were searching for something at the very bottom.
“I realized that I know a lot of things,” Annabeth continued, refusing to avert her gaze from Percy’s profile. Water droplets glistened on his brow under the midnight moon. “I also don’t know a lot of things. I love you and you’re just a bunch of knowns and unknowns to me all at once and I love you for it. And you don’t have to say it back, not now, not ever, because you just being here is enough. Thank you.”
Percy let out a breathless laugh and shook his head, looking up at the moon. The soft white light outlined his glistening figure. “Well, I’m going to say it back because I do. I love you.”
Annabeth took a deep breath in, relieved that he said it back because she knew that yet didn’t know it at the same time. Getting used to the unknowns was going to take some time, but if Percy was going to be there by her side during that time it was all worth it.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked, but Percy was already leaning in.
He pulled her towards him with his hand on the small of her back, gentle, and leaned down to capture her lips. Annabeth cupped his chin and arched herself into him. His lips were wet, cold, soft. She could feel the water droplets between their lips, their noses, their cheeks, their arms, their legs. When they pulled away, Percy looked down at her through half-lidded eyes, his lips reddened and slightly agape. His dampened overgrown curls framed his face and stuck between his brows and his freckles danced across his nose, cheeks, and underneath his eyes. Percy lowered himself into the pool.
“I want to teach you one more lesson, tonight,” he barely made a sound when he said it but, once again, Annabeth was hyper-focused on everything that was Percy Jackson. He took Annabeth’s wrists and placed her arms over his shoulders before taking hold of her from underneath her legs and lowered her into the pool with him. He grasped Annabeth’s chin with his index finger and thumb and lowered her lips down to his again. Annabeth ran her fingers through his wet curls before cupping the back of his head, pressing herself closer to him.
When the two parted, Annabeth couldn’t help but ask: “What was I supposed to learn from that?”
“The breathing.”
The summer after Percy and Annabeth’s senior year, before they embarked on their respective college journeys, Annabeth made Percy promise to take her scuba diving. The two decided to go after Percy’s birthday, now that they were both 18, so they could take themselves to the beach house Percy’s mom had gotten by the coast.
Prior to the trip, Annabeth had purchased an embarrassingly large amount of new swimsuits. Most of them were blue, Percy’s favorite color, some of them were purple and some of them were grey. Percy had also taken her to buy diving gear before they went to dinner, a perfect hybrid date. They held hands the whole time, Percy rubbing circles into her hand with his thumb. Their swimming lessons continued, and Annabeth was finally beginning to get better. It wasn’t like the other times where the two of them had said that she was getting better while they both knew that nothing had changed. It was real this time because Percy actually began to seriously teach this time (“No more whispering,” Annabeth had told him). Some lessons were just to practice all the breathing, but that was to be expected.
“You know you don’t have to go scuba diving if you don’t want to,” Percy said repeatedly, from when they were paying for the gear to as they sat across from each other in the restaurant. “I know you haven’t always loved the ocean…”
Annabeth beamed up at her boyfriend – her surreal boyfriend, Percy Jackson – and said, “Well, it’s hard for me to be scared of something that you live in.”
Not anymore, at least. The ocean had a lot of unknowns, yes, but Annabeth was slowly starting to unlearn the idea that it was her job to know everything. It wasn’t possible. Sometimes she just wanted to go scuba diving with her boyfriend without having to think too hard about it, even if he was a competitive swimmer and Annabeth hadn’t learned until last summer. Percy’s shit-eating grin made an appearance.
“I’ll watch all the Harry Potters with you.”
“Oh, you better.”
So, the weekend after Percy’s birthday the two of them set off for the coast in Paul’s white minivan (with the Jackson-Chase blessing, of course). Percy’s loose curls were overgrown, the wind rushing in from the rolled down windows blew it all across his face making Annabeth question his ability to drive with such an obstacle. His summertime freckles had fully settled in, and the two of them sang along to the radio until their throats were raw. Percy took Annabeth’s hand in his as he drove and planted kisses to it periodically. 
He was going to UC San Diego to be a student-athlete and Annabeth was going to UC Berkeley, her dream school. The two schools were eight hours apart, but they would make it work. She knew that. She didn’t know all the details yet, but that was okay. She loved Percy Jackson and the unknown wasn’t as intimidating as it was before his wave crashed into her life at full force. She didn’t have to know everything. Not right now, while he was right here, kissing her hand as they drove to the coast.
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sainadazai · 4 years ago
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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theladyofdeath · 5 years ago
A S H E S {4}
ACOTAR fanfiction, Cassian x Nesta. Modern AU, in Velaris.
Summary: Cassian gets injured in battle and the scars are permanent, leaving him forced to go home to Velaris. Although he’s happy to be home with his family and friends, being back proves to be far more difficult than he expected.
A/N: And so it continues.
Fanfic Masterlist
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It had been a long week.
Cassian had gone to Velaris High every day right when the school day started and spent all day in his office, learning plays and about his team. Practices went well. The kids were all well behaved and respected him greatly.
He was actually enjoying himself.
It was Friday afternoon, the hot sun still high in the sky as practiced wrapped up.
“Alright,” Cassian said, loudly, in the huddle. “Next Friday is our first game. We’ve come a long way this week. Everyone’s doing great. Have a good weekend, don’t make too many bad decisions.” A few of the grins on his team's faces told him that direction would be ignored. “I’ll see you all Monday.”
They put their helmets up in the air, clustered together, and shouted Vikings before they dispersed off the field and into the locker room.
Cassian turned around to clean up the equipment on the sidelines to find a visitor sitting on the bench.
“Come to admire the coach?” He asked.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “I came to tell the coach that he’s full of himself.”
Cassian chuckled. “Fair enough. Going out with your sisters tonight?”
She sighed. “Yeah. Feyre got a sitter, so it’s just the three of us, which hasn’t happened in forever. What are the boys doing?”
“Sitting at the apartment, drinking.”
Nesta laughed. “So, some things haven’t changed.”
Cassian grinned. “No, except now it’s legal and we don’t have to sneak the beer past our parents.”
Nesta laughed, a twinkle in her eyes. “That was fun.”
“Yeah,” Cassian said, voice becoming gentler. “It was.”
“I’m picking you up at eight tomorrow, by the way.”
Cassian froze from where he was putting a football into a giant drawstring bag. “What?”
“Our date.”
“No, I know, but...I mean, I was planning on picking you up.”
Nesta stood, brushing off her violet skirt. “Too manly to break tradition?”
“Then I’ll see you at eight,” she said, a grin on her pink lips. “Bye, Nazari.”
Cassian didn’t move, didn’t say goodbye as he watched her walk off the field and disappear behind the bleachers. 
“You and Nesta? A date? It’s about damn time.”
Rhysand was lying on the carpet of Azriel’s living room, already feeling the whiskey.
Cassian shrugged from his seat on the couch. “She seems excited about it. Well, as excited as Nesta can get.”
Azriel huffed a laugh before downing the rest of his bottle. “She even told Elain about it. That’s saying something.”
“Thinking about you and Elain,” Cassian began, “when are you gonna pop the question?”
Azriel looked away as the tips of his ears turned pink. “I don’t know. Soon. Maybe.”
“Being married is the best,” Rhys slurred. “Especially when your wife is a freak, like mine.”
Cassian rolled his eyes. “I’m sure Feyre will be pleased to hear such a compliment.”
Rhysand just laughed before popping open another bottle. “I’m just saying. There’s nothing better than promising yourself to your soulmate. One person who knows you better than anyone. And, you can have sex whenever you want.”
“Az already does that,” Cassian winked, sending Azriel’s ears into chaos again.
“Anyways, we were talking about you and Nesta,” Azriel said, clearing his throat. 
Cassian shook his head. “Nothing more to say.”
Azriel And Rhys exchanged a glance.
“Since when did you become so….private?” Rhys asked, wiggling his eyebrows as he dragged out the last word.
Cassian wasn’t sure how to answer that, although he doubted Rhysand would even remember asking the question when the morning arrived. 
He had become private, in his time away. Not at first, exactly, but over time. As time had gone on, Cassian had hardened, slowly, more and more. Although he was good at putting on a light, carefree show, he didn’t open up as he once did.
Cassian shrugged. “Not being private, there’s just nothing more to say.”
Azriel tossed his empty bottle onto the rug. “You two were the couple everyone thought would get together after high school, get married, have kids…”
Cassian pulled out his phone, scrolling through his newsfeed when he said, “So?”
“I’m just saying,” Azriel began, opening a new bottle and bringing it to his lips. “It’s not like this is some random girl you’re taking on a date. It’s Nesta. There’s history there.”
Rhysand nodded and mumbled his agreement.
They were right, of course. It wasn’t a normal first date. There was history. They had been best friends all through high school, and he had fallen in love with her during their senior year. They’d talked about starting something, but then Cassian had joined the army, and that was that.
“It’s like picking up on the tenth date,” Rhysand followed, blinking rapidly. “You gonna take her back to her place? Invite yourself inside? Get some?”
Cassian sat down his phone and took a drink. “Get some?”
“Sex,”  he whispered, making Azriel chuckle and Cassian roll his eyes.
“Thank you, dumbass,” Cassian said. “I don’t plan on getting any.”
Rhysand frowned, looking into his bottle to find it empty, completely forgetting he was a part of the conversation.
“Do you think Nesta thinks that?” Cassian asked, looking to Azriel. “That it’s like starting on the tenth date? Has Elain said anything?”
“No.” Azriel shook his head. “Just that she’s excited.”
Cassian nodded, hoping the subject would be dropped.
Rhysand soon found humor in his hands, which he randomly thought to be massive, sending Azriel into a laughing fit of his own.
He’d have to cut them both off soon. Either cut them off, or watch them make fools of themselves.
The latter sounded more fun.
But Cassian couldn’t drink anymore.
He couldn’t do much of anything.
Because now he was nervous as hell for his date with Nesta.
It was almost eight o clock and Cassian was staring at the handful of outfits he had in his bag. Shopping for something new would’ve been a good idea...if he’d thought of it two hours earlier. He would’ve borrowed something from Azriel, but all of his clothes were too tight.
So, that left Cassian to stare at his shit while wearing nothing but his raggedy old boxers.
Sighing, he grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on, just as she knocked on the door.
“Coming!” He called, then cursed under his breath. His choices included an old Velaris High tee shirt and a long-sleeved, plain black tee.
He chose the black one, barely getting it over his head before the door pushed open.
Nesta stood in the threshold, a red dress tightly fitted against her body, long-sleeved, reaching her mid-thigh. With her heels, she was nearly as tall as he was. Her hair was down in long, loose curls.
He raised a brow at her, pulling his shirt down to the hem of his jeans. “Still impatient, I see.”
She shrugged. “Patient people never get shit done.”
Cassian huffed a laugh, shaking his head. “I guess not.”
After grabbing his wallet and slipping on his boots, they were out the door of Azriel’s apartment and hitting the streets of Velaris.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked.
Cassian chuckled. “You picked me up, remember? Haven’t you planned our lovely evening?”
She gave him a sidelong glance. “Expected me to do all the work, did you?”
His grin widened as he offered her his arm. “Don’t worry. I’ve got big plans.”
She slipped her arm through his with an eye roll. “Mother help us.”
He led her down the Sidra, the sinking sun causing the clear blue water to sparkle. There was a small dancefloor set up just outside of the artists’ corner, surrounded by old wooden tables and local vendors. String lights were hung above the dance floor as they all awaited the appearance of the captivating starlight. 
“Care to give dancing another chance?” He asked, leading her onto the floor.
The music was soft, coming for a string quartet sitting off to the side. The last time they had danced, the evening had taken a turn for the worse.
But Cassian felt perfectly comfortable as he took Nesta in his arms and swayed back and forth to the sweet sound of the violin.
They danced for hours. Cassian had completely forgotten about his hunger as they talked and laughed. He hadn’t laughed so much in a long time.
This was his childhood best friend. The only person to understand him. Yes, it was different, but it didn’t all have to be different. They had almost begun something before he left a decade ago, they should have begun something. Then again, it had been ten years. Ten years was a long time. How much did he really know about Nesta archeron? The woman, not the girl he’d known so long ago.
“You look like your deep in thought,” Nesta said, voice quiet, as they swayed back and forth.
“I’m not the same person I was, Nesta,” he said. He tried not to sound bitter, tried not to sound hurt, but failed.
The rare smile she had began to fade. “I know that. Neither am I.”
“Exactly,” he said, his hand tightening around hers. “What do we really know about each other? After all this time?”
She shook her head. “Isn’t that what we’re doing here? Finding out?”
Cassian let out a breath.
“I’m not stupid, Cassian,” she began, coming to a halt and stepping back. “I know full well that we’re not the same kids we were at eighteen.”
Cassian didn’t know what to say. He had a million thoughts running through his mind that he couldn’t quite sort. “I didn’t mean to imply that you were stupid.” 
She shook her head. “Maybe this is a mistake. Yeah? Maybe you’re not ready for this. Maybe you need time-“
“Don’t fucking tell me what I need,” Cassian spat.
Nesta’s lips snapped shut into a straight line. Without another word, she turned on her heels and walked away.
Every other couple on the dance floor was left looking awkwardly at Cassian. 
After a long string of quiet curses, Cassian followed.
Nesta had grabbed her clutch and sweater and began to walk back toward Azriel’s apartment, where her car was parked. 
“Nesta!” Cassian called after her.
She didn’t stop.
Cassian shoved his hands in his pockets as he followed her down the boardwalk of the Sidra.
“NES, stop!” He called.
She didn’t.
As onlookers followed his movements, Cassian ran. Once he caught up with her, he grabbed her hand.
She halted, although she wasn’t too pleased about it. “What.”
“I’m sorry.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah? About what?”
Cassian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I…”
Nothing else came out and Nesta let out a long, slow breath. “I know, you’ve been through a lot. I get it.”
“But you don’t get it,” Cassian said. “And I don’t expect you to. You will never get it, none of you will. Only I understand. Me, alone. And that fucking sucks. I hate it, Nesta. I hate the memories I have, hate the feelings that overcome me out of nowhere. I hate that I wake up in a pool of my own sweat every night and can’t hear loud noises without panicking. I hate that the sight of fire, or blood, has me feeling sick to my stomach. I hate that I can’t take you on a proper date without ruining it. Okay? I hate it, and you deserve better. At least...at least let me walk you back to Az’s.”
She shook her head. “Cass-“
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” he said, unable to control the words flowing out of his mouth. “But I don’t need time, Nes. Time...I’m terrified of time. Terrified of my thoughts, terrified of tomorrow, okay? I’m scared shitless. I-“
“Okay,” Nesta breathed, her palm resting against his stubbled cheek as the words flowed out of him without a pause.
“I’m scared,” he whispered, and there was no shame in it. Terror lit his hazel eyes and it was then that Nesta realized just how little she did understand of this new Cassian, this 28-year-old man that she had seen so little of in the past decade. He was right. They were strangers, strangers resting on the foundation of the kids they used to be.
“It’s okay,” she said, promised. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? I promise.”
He nodded, although he didn’t truly believe her.
He wouldn’t blame her if she left, if he scared her away. He was fighting an army of demons within himself, and that was enough to terrify anyone.
Himself included.
But she simply took his hand and led him slowly down the boardwalk, back to Azriel's apartment.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she promised.
Cassian wasn’t sure what he and Nesta were, or what they were going to be. But, he had a feeling at that moment that whatever they were, it was good. 
In that moment, he felt a rare sense of peace sweep over him.
He held her hand a little tighter. 
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author-j-mccarthy-blog · 6 years ago
Hogwarts: The Continuing Years Chapter One
Welcome to Chapter One of my new Harry Potter Fanfiction series. Go back to Hogwarts with Lily Luna Potter and her friends in this new adventure for the next generation of the Harry Potter family. This series is family-friendly, inspired wholey by JK Rowling’s original writing style. I hope you enjoy Lily’s adventures at Hogwarts.
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Raindrops tapped gently on her window, awakening Lily Luna Potter on a grey September morning. She blinked the sleep out of her emerald green eyes with a smile. Today’s finally the day! Lily threw the covers off her and scrambled out of bed. She was already pulling on mismatching pink and orange socks when her mother knocked lightly on the door. 
“Lily, are you up sweetie?”
Lily threw open the door and jumped into her mother’s arms. Ginny Potter caught her daughter with a happy laugh.
“Today’s the day mum! I’m finally going to Hogwarts!”
Lily separated herself from Ginny and beamed up at her mother. Ginny ruffled her daughter’s ginger hair affectionately. 
“So it is, darling. You’re going to love your first year at school, I just know it.”
“Thanks mum,” said Lily happily. She had been waiting for today for eleven years and three weeks, and she was determined to make it perfect. 
“Well, I wanted to wake you up first today,” said Ginny, “Want to help me wake your brothers?” 
“Of course,” Lily giggled. “Can I wake them up with tricks?”
Ginny made a sceptical face.
“I promise I won’t be too mean, pleeease mum!”
Ginny laughed. Why were Lily’s pleads so irresistible? 
“Fine Lily. As long as they’re up in time for breakfast.”
Lily whooped with delight and ran past her mother. She padded through the upstairs hallway, happy for her socks to muffle her footsteps as she came to her eldest brother’s door. Lily peaked inside James’s messy room. Clothes and spell books were strewn all over the floor. Has he even packed? She wondered, as she checked her pockets for the perfect trick. Uncle Ron never failed to get her something great for birthdays. Should she throw a dung bomb? Was that too mean? She had promised mum not to be too mean… A-ha! Lily took out a small glass bottle filled with a tiny rain cloud. A “weather in a bottle” would be perfect! That would show James for pushing her into the Ministry of Magic fountain on bring your child to work day… 
Lily crept into the room. She had to place the bottle over his bed just so, otherwise he might not get hit. James snored lightly, his face hidden under his mess of curly hair. Lily had to concentrate hard to stop from giggling as she edged her way around the mess on the floor. James’s tawny owl, Flit, cocked his head curiously at her from his cage. Lily brought a finger to her lips to tell the owl to be quiet. When she was finally in position at the foot of James’s bed, Lily carefully uncorked the “weather in a bottle” and the tiny rain cloud was released. It flew out of her bottle and bga to grow at a rapid pace, until James’s bed was completely covered by the cloud. Lily held her breath in anticipation as the clouds swirled around her brother. Suddenly it burst open and rain drenched her elder brother’s bed. James let out a shriek as water soaked his blankets, and Lily couldn’t hold back her laughter any more. James fell off the bed trying to untangle himself from the blankets and simultaneously reach for his glasses to see the culprit of the trick. Lily raced out of the room before James could stand up, giggling with delight as her brother muttered confused curses behind her. 
Her next victim was Albus, her other brother. His room was at the end of the hall by the stairs. Lily peaked in cautiously, worried that James’s scream had woken Al. He was still sleeping soundly. His room neat and tidy, the exact opposite of James’s. They had to be opposite in every way, thought Lily as she edged into the room. A green and white Slytherin Flag hung on his wall. She stifled a gasp as she almost stepped on Fritz, Albus’s pet ferret. He skittered away under the bed as Lily reached into her pocket and pulled out her signature trick: her screaming yo-yo. Albus was so jumpy, it would be brilliant. She twirled the yo-yo off her finger right by his ear and the toy let out a scream that would curdle milk. Albus yelped at the scream, sitting bolt upright and covering his ears. He saw Lily giggling uncontrollably next to him, right as James burst into the room still sopping wet. 
“You’re dead Lily,” James shouted with a grin. 
He charged into the room as Lily ducked under Albus’s bed. Albus, still half asleep and disoriented threw a pillow at where Lily had been. Instead it hit James in the back of the head. Lily scampered out from under the bed and hurled herself down the stairs while her brothers were still looking for her under the bed. She raced down the hall and into the kitchen laughing in delight. Today was off to a great start! 
Lily leaned against the kitchen door to catch her breath. Her mother and father were making breakfast (pancakes, Lily’s favourite). They looked up at her and Ginny raised an eyebrow. 
“Lily, did you remember not to be too mean?”
Lily shrugged playfully right as James and Albus hammered on the door behind her. 
“Is Lily in there?” Asked James.
“Yeah,” called Albus, “we need to, uh, ‘talk’ to her.”
Lily ran away from the door as the boys burst in, and hid behind her father. Harry Potter ruffled his daughter’s hair and held up an arm to ward off the boys. 
“Wow, Lil, it must’ve been bad if you got them working together,” he chuckled. 
“Alright, alright,” Ginny said, “enough tricks for today.” She waved her wand over James, drying him instantly. “Now go get dressed, boys. No hitting your sister on her big day.”
“Come on mum, she deserves it,” James whined as they left to get dressed. Lily stuck her tongue out after them as they shut the door. 
“Your first day at Hogwarts is off to quite the start,” said Harry. He piled some pancakes onto her plate and Lily smiled up at him.
“It’s going brilliantly so far!”
The Potters sat down for breakfast at the kitchen table. Ginny made sure to set places for James and Albus, who came downstairs a few minutes later in jumpers and jeans. Albus in Slytherin green as usual, and James in Gryffindor red. As they sat down, Lily couldn’t help but wonder which house she would be sorted into… Of course she hoped for Gryffindor, like her parents had been. That’s where all the Potters and Weasleys were sorted into… But if Albus could be Slytherin, maybe she could be too? 
“So, Lily,” said Harry, “Are you excited to ride the Hogwarts Express?”
Lily nodded enthusiastically. “I’ve been saving my pocket money all year for the sweets from the trolley,” she replied.
“We gave your brothers trolley money,” Ginny said, “we were going to give you some too.”
“No thanks mum,” said Lily, “I’m excited to use mine!”
“Which class are you most excited for?” Harry asked.
“Flying,” said Lily without hesitation. “I’m going to be on the Quidditch team in first year, just like you dad!”
Lily had been obsessed with Quidditch since she had discovered her mum used to play for a team called the Holyhead Harpies. When she found out her dad had played too, she wouldn’t keep quiet until her parents finally got her a broom for her ninth birthday. It had child locks and wouldn’t fly past the barrier of their neighbourhood, but still it had been wonderful to play pretend Quidditch captain on that broom. She and her brothers used to play three on three with their cousins every Christmas at the Burrow. And when her parents had brought her to Diagon Alley to buy her books and her wand, Lily had been most excited to finally buy her first real broom, a Nimbus 3000 like her brother James’s. Only to be used at school, Ginny had told her. She couldn’t wait for her first flying class when she could finally sore above Hogwarts on her real broom.
“I should have guessed,” said Harry warmly. “But don’t be too disappointed if you don’t make it in your first year. Ginny only got onto Gryffindor’s team in her fifth year, you know?”
Ginny nodded, “And I was the one who played professionally out of us.”
Lily’s mind lingered on the word “Gryffindor” and again her thoughts turned to which house she would be sorted into. She looked across the table at Albus. He never talked about school much, but when he did it seemed like he didn’t like Hogwarts at all. Was it because he was Slytherin? James was constantly talking about how great Hogwarts was: how many friends he had, how good at spells he was… But James was in Gryffindor. Lily prefered Albus out of her two brothers, he’d always been nicer to her than James… But if she was being honest with herself, she hoped that she would be James’s housemate, not Al’s. She had only ever heard bad things about Slytherin house afterall… 
Suddenly Ginny stood up, breaking Lily’s train of thought. She waved her wand and the empty dishes in front of them flew up and into the sink. 
“Breakfast is finished,” she announced. “Time to get your trunks, kids.”
Harry looked at his watch and stood as well. “The train leaves in one hour.”
James and Albus stood up and left to gather their things. Lily was following her brothers out when Harry called to stop her.
“Lily, wait a minute. Your mum and I have a little something to give you.”
Lily turned around to look at her dad. He rose from the table and disappeared into the living room for a moment. Lily glanced at her mother questioningly, but Ginny only smiled. When Harry came back into the room, he carried a box in his hands. He came up to Lily and knelt down so she could see inside. There, sleeping soundly in a pink blanket, was the most adorable little kitten Lily had ever seen. She held her hand over her mouth to stifle a squeal. 
“Every student at Hogwarts is allowed to bring a familiar,” Harry explained. “James has Flint, and Albus has Fritz, so it’s only fitting that you get a pet too.”
Ginny leaned over to look at the sleeping kitten. She was cream-coloured with light brown paws and a fuzzy long tail. Lily reached in to stroke her soft fur and the kitten opened a pair of brilliant blue eyes. 
“What will you call her?” Asked Ginny.
Lily wasn’t sure. The little kitten started playing with her finger and her eyes glimmered like two blue precious stones. 
“Opal.” Lily said eventually. “She looks like an Opal, don’t you think?”
“It’s perfect,” said Ginny, kissing Lily’s cheek affectionately. 
“Well,” Harry said, “What are you waiting for? She’s yours.”
Lily lifted Opal from the box and hugged her close. Opal was small enough to sit on Lily’s shoulder and play with her fire-red hair. Lily giggled with delight and hugged her parents lovingly. They hugged her back, holding onto their youngest child for a moment. She was finally ready to go off to Hogwarts. Ginny wondered, as Lily parted from the hug and ran upstairs to grab her trunk, just how had she grown up so fast?
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marvelousmarvelimagines · 7 years ago
Need You Now
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Part III (of X) - Spooky (Peter Parker Series) (Part I) (Part II) 
Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Being Tony Stark’s daughter isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. For one, I didn’t want to be in the first place. My normal life was just fine, thank you. Two, there are freaking superheroes all over where I now live. There’s never any privacy. Three, everyone expects me to be this amazing genius and go to this fancy school and do incredible things. I just want to watch Star Wars and write Harry Potter fanfiction. Also, I hate Math.
A/N - I hope you guys are all ready for some cute Peter Parker fluff because here it is! 
Warnings - None
I did try. I wanted to get better. I had to get better. I refused to be the dumbest person at this school. Before I knew it though, August turned to September, and September to the end of October, and I still didn’t get it. That was evidenced by the fact that my Statistics teacher just placed another failing test on my desk. 
Do you know what it feels like to have every single person you know be disappointed in you? It sucks. 
The bell rang, and I got up, shoving my paper into my bag and heading out the door as quickly as possible. I wanted to hurry so I could avoid anyone trying to talk me into going to this dance. 
Apparently the school put on this Halloween dance every year to raise money, and I guess they figured if they could get Tony Stark’s daughter to come, maybe dressed in an Iron Man suit, as one person suggested, it would raise more funds.
I had never been used for money I didn’t have before. It was super annoying. 
They sure were gunning hard for it to. I sighed as I caught sight of my locker covered with posters once again. I had just begun tearing them off when I heard a voice behind me. 
“So - uh, are you going?” 
I smiled as I turned around to face Peter, the only person who I didn’t feel like wanted something when he talked to me. “To this?” I held up one of the posters. “I’d rather travel to Nal Hutta.” 
Peter grinned, “but not Tatooine?” 
“Of course not. That would just be depressing. Besides, the only guy that worked up enough courage to ask me to go was that Flash guy, and I have no desire to go out with a douchebag.” I had seen the way that he treated Peter, and I definitely didn’t want any part of that. I turned back to my locker to continue taking off posters. “What about you?”
“Nah . . . Dances and I just don’t . . . bad history.” Peter finished lamely. “Besides, we’ve got midterms coming up soon, and I should probably be studying for that.” 
I groaned and leaned my head forward to bang my head against my locker, but before I could, my head met Peter’s hand. Damn that kid had fast reflexes. “Peter, I’m trying to test the Osmosis theory.”
“That’s sleeping with your books under your pillow, not banging your head against your locker.” Peter informed me.
“See? I can’t even get that right.” I said, rubbing my eyes. Just thinking about midterms gave me a headache. 
“Well, you know, since you’re not going to the dance - if you want - you could like, come over, and I could help you study?” 
I smiled softly at him. “Peter, I’m not going to ruin your Halloween.” 
“No!” Peter said quickly. “I mean you wouldn’t - wouldn’t be ruining it. Ned and I were just going to watch horror movies and eat a lot of candy. You can come to that too!” 
“I thought we were going to study?” I asked with raised eyebrows. 
“We are! I mean we can do that before.” Peter said. 
I thought about it for a minute. Peter was easily one of the smartest guys in school, and I was sure studying with him would help. Not to mention, I would get to be away from the Avengers Compound on one of the busiest nights of the year. 
Was it really that much of a decision? 
“Are you sure it’s okay?” I asked one more time.
“Yeah! Yeah, it’ll - it’ll be cool.” Peter said, leaning against the lockers beside me. He was trying to look casual, but he just ended up looking kinda awkward. 
I couldn’t help but smile. 
It surprisingly hadn’t been that hard to convince Tony to let me go hang out with Peter. I was sure part of it had something to do with him actually knowing the guy, but that didn’t matter to me. All that mattered was that I was actually getting to have some fun. Well, after some studying. 
“Um . . . Peter? Where are we going?” I asked as we headed towards a convenience store. 
“Delmar’s! Uh - you don’t mind do you? Kind of my ritual. Need snacks to study.” 
“No, it’s fine.” I said with a grin. “I could do with something to drink.” I walked in, smiling even wider as Peter held the door open for me. While Peter went to the register, I went and grabbed a drink. By the time I got back to Peter, he had already paid and was taking a sandwich. 
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yeah, just let me -”
“Already took care of it, and I got you some gummy worms ‘cause I know how you like those.” Peter said, holding them up kind of shyly. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” He really didn’t have to, and we both knew it. I was sure my allowance was much more than his. Not that I ever really used it. 
“Just wanted to,” Peter said, shrugging his shoulders. 
I slid my arm through his. “Thanks, Peter.” 
I watched as a slight pink tinge colored his cheeks. “No problem.” 
It just made me like him more. 
“Hey, you want to listen to some music?” He asked as we exited Delmar’s, holding up one of his earbuds. 
“Sure! What have you got?” I asked, taking it from him and putting it in my own ear.
“I’ve kind of been on a Ramones kick lately, but if you want to listen to something different -”
“Are you kidding? Which album?” 
“Mostly their greatest hits, but I’ve been switching around.” Peter said, once again trying to sound casual, but his grin was too wide. 
“Sounds like a great place to start.” I said with a smile as he started the music. 
It was nice. It was sweet, and for a little while, I was actually kind of happy. 
“Peter, you are a genius.” I said in disbelief as I looked down at my first correct answer. 
Immediately his face flushed. “I’m really not, once you had the foundations, I mean I - I knew you would get it.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“This is the first thing I’ve understood in months, Peter. I seriously can’t thank you enough.” I smiled over at the boy sitting beside me. We were at the kitchen table, so close our knees were occasionally brushing, with dozens of notes in front of us. “I can see why Tony picked your for the internship.” 
Peter immediately tensed at my words much to my confusion. “Oh, he - uh - he told you about the internship?” 
“Yeah, briefly,” I replied, taking a gummy worm from the bag in front of me and popping it into my mouth. 
“W-what did he say?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, there was a rattle as the door to the apartment opened. “I’m home! And I have pizza! And lots of candy! Peter, do you mind helping?” 
Peter hurried out of his chair, and I quickly followed and caught sight of the woman Peter was helping, wanting to help, I took anything he hadn’t gotten. 
“Oh, am I already late for your not really a Halloween Party?” She said when she caught sight of me. 
“No, we were just studying. Aunt May, this is Y/N.” Peter said as he carried the large load from his Aunt. Man he was strong.
Aunt May’s eyes widened in recognition as she smiled. “Oh, God, right! I should have known that! Peter told me how pretty you are!” 
Peter and I both blushed, me looking down at my black sweatshirt and jeans in disbelief while Peter went, “Aunt May!” 
“What? Oh, was I not supposed to say that?” She teased, sending me a little wink. 
Her behavior weirdly set me at ease and a smile graced my face. I only hoped meeting Ned would be this easy. Of course, it wasn’t until that moment that I realized for some reason, I really wanted Peter’s aunt and friends to like me. 
Turns out it wasn’t so hard. Ned mostly just wanted to ask questions. 
“Have you tried on one of the suits?” 
“Nope,” I replied, popping a piece of chocolate in my mouth. 
“What about the other Avengers? Have you met them?” 
“Um, I’ve met Captain America, Hawkeye and Thor so far, but that’s it.” I replied, having to think for a moment. 
“What about Spiderman?” 
At those words, Peter, sitting next to me on the couch, started choking on a piece of popcorn. I didn’t respond until Peter waved my worries away. “Is Spiderman considered an Avenger?” 
“Yes! I mean come on. The guy’s been working with them for years! He’s definitely an Avenger.” Peter said passionately, taking me off guard. 
I held my hands up in front of me defensively. “Sorry! Didn’t realize you guys were so passionate about Spiderman around here.” 
“Oh, Peter is very passionate about Spiderman.” Ned replied with a little smirk directed towards Peter. 
I raised my eyebrows while Peter glared at Ned. “You got a little man crush on Spiderman, Peter?” I teased him. 
“What?! N-no! Definitely not.  I mean really, I-I could care less about the guy. Why don’t we just get back to the movie? We’re missing the good stuff!” Peter said, pointing to the screen.  
I grinned at his embarrassment, leaning back against the couch and closer to him. “Is this okay?” I whispered, my side pressing against his. 
“Wha - yeah, of course.” Peter replied with a smile. I had my hand resting on my leg closest to him, and I watched as he placed his own hand down close to mine. 
It wasn’t until I looked back at the screen that I felt Peter’s hand brush against mine. I smiled a little, reaching out to twist our pinkies together. 
I felt Peter’s body relax against me and once again he pressed his knee against mine gently. 
I hadn’t felt so calm in over a year. 
It took two and a half movies along with tons of snacks before Ned was totally passed out in his arm chair, snoring like a freight train. “Man, he’s worse than Tony.” I said, turning to Peter. 
“Mr. Stark snores?” Peter said with a grin. 
“Like an airhorn at a basketball game.” I replied.
Peter kept smiling at me, and I swear that boy knew how to do something to me with that smile. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it sure sent my stomach in knots. “Do you - do you wanna go sit on the fire escape or something? Just to get away from the snoring.” He added on quickly, as if I was going to say no.
“Yeah, let’s go,” I stood up, but didn’t let go of my grip on his pinky, liking the gentle touch, and thankfully he seemed to feel the same, not letting go of me either as he led me outside. 
We spent the next half hour just talking and laughing at some of the costumes that passed by us. 
“You know, I really thought this Halloween would suck, and it’s actually been one of my favorites.” I said once I finally got my breath back from laughing so hard. 
“Really? Why?” Peter asked curiously.
I paused for a moment before responding. “It’s my first without my Mom, and she loved Halloween.” I smiled sadly, thinking of all the ridiculous costumes I had seen her wear. 
“That first holiday sucks.” Peter said quietly. 
It was only then that I realized how stupid I had been. Here I was, feeling like no one could understand what I was feeling when I was sitting beside the only person who not only did, but probably understood even better than myself. “Does it ever get better?” I asked softly. 
It was several moments before Peter replied. “No . . . but it gets a little easier. The hole gets a bit smaller when people that love you start to fill it up.” 
I looked over at him with a little smile. “Like Aunt May? Unfortunately I don’t have one of those.” 
“Like Mr. Stark.” He said. 
I shook my head. “Tony doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even know me.” 
“I think you underestimate him. He’s your Dad. You’re lucky to still have him.” 
With a sigh, I leaned my head against Peter’s shoulder. “I know you’re probably right.” 
“Well, you did say I was a genius earlier.” 
I burst into laughter.
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theladyofdeath · 6 years ago
V O I D { T H R E E }
Chapter 3. An ACOTAR fanfiction.
Nessian. Elriel. Feysand.
Previous chapters:  Fanfic Masterlist
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“This moment will just be another story someday.”  ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Three weeks passed before Nesta began banging on Tomas’ door.
He’d been texting her, and she rarely replied. She hadn’t answered anyone’s calls or texts. She had hardly gotten out of bed.
She was already failing all of her classes due to lack of attendance, so she dropped out.
Then, she had packed up everything she owned, left the rest of the month's rent on her counter with a notice, and went to Tomas’ apartment.
He opened the door, clearly annoyed. “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”
“No,” she said. “I dropped out. I’m leaving town. Just thought you should know.”
He took a moment to process her words before shaking his head. “You’re really determined to ruin your life, aren’t you?”
She looked at him without saying a word. Part of her thought she should just turn around, walk away, and leave it at that.
The last three weeks were full of self-loathing and pure anger. She hadn’t always been like that. It had all began with him, the poor excuse of a man standing in front of her. He had destroyed her, had changed her, had ruined her.
“You were my best friend,” she said, quietly, when he had turned to leave her standing alone in the doorway. “I trusted you more than I trusted anyone. But you changed. The minute I slept with you, you changed.” She hadn’t even realized she’d begun to cry until the sweet salty taste hit her lips. “I hate you. I hate everything that you are, everything that you stand for, and every fucking thing that you’ve done to me. You are pathetic, and cruel, and you used me. You knew me, better than anyone, and you used me!” She pushed his back as hard as she could, hating him even more when he wouldn’t turn to face her. “You used me and you don’t even care! You don’t care about me! Everything was a lie, and I hate you!”
She yelled the words, screamed them until her throat felt raw.
Tomas said nothing. He simply turned to face her, at last, not a hint of sympathy in those eyes.
“I was your sex toy,” she said, her voice falling back to a whisper. “And I hate myself, every day, for falling in love with you.”
There it was. Everything she had felt for nearly two years, laying bare on the table. She had finally gotten the courage to leave, to walk away from him, and now she was a hurricane of anger and bitterness.
“You’ll come back,” he said, when it was clear that she would say no more. “You always do.”
Without another word, Nesta walked away.
When she made it a mile down the street, she pulled her car over and puked.
Rhysand got to Cassian’s apartment and opened it without knocking.
Cassian was sitting on his couch, brows lifted as he flipped through his biology text. “Rough day?”
Rhys went straight to the fridge and helped himself to a water. “Where’s Az?”
“Work,” Cassian replied, slowly. “You seem distracted.”
Rhysand shrugged, downing the water bottle before grabbing another one.
“Who is she?”
When Rhys looked over his shoulder, Cassian was still reading his book. “Excuse me?”
“I assume there’s a girl,” he replied, grinning. “And I assume she doesn’t like you. That’s a first. A girl who Rhys can’t have.”
Rhysand took a deep breath to refrain from rolling his eyes. “Who told you?”
Cassian’s grin widened. “Kallias. Saw him last night at the pub.”
Cassian worked at a pub on the corner of his street. It had become a popular hangout throughout the years.
“Yeah, well, Kallias is an idiot,” Rhys mumbled, plopping down in an armchair. “How're classes?”
“Hard,” Cassian said. “I fully regret my decision to go to college.”
Rhysand laughed at that. Cassian’s mother had always wanted him to go to college because she didn’t have the opportunity to. After her death, it was his biggest goal: get accepted to the University of Velaris.
And he did.
“Saw your dad this morning, by the way.”
Rhysand’s smile faded, quickly. “Did he say anything to you?”
Cassian tossed his book onto the coffee table as he stretched his long legs out on the couch. “Yeah. Told me to tell you he says hi and that your mom misses you.”
Rhysand scoffed. “Notice he didn’t say that he missed me.”
“I’m sure he does,” Cassian offered, hesitantly. “In his own…unique…way.”
They both knew that wasn’t true.
His dad had given him an ultimatum a week before school began.
Get back on the team, or leave.
Rhysand used to love basketball, but his father had quickly ruined it for him. A simple win wasn’t good enough. He had to live and breathe basketball, and in the end, he hadn’t enjoyed it anymore.
He had fallen in love with music, instead.
His dad had laughed in his face when Rhys told him as much.
Cassian and Azriel had offered their place without hesitation when Rhys told them that he had to leave his own home, only because he didn’t do what his father wanted him to.
He was eighteen.
Eighteen years of having to do everything that bastard asked of him.
Rhys was done.
So, until his dad stopped being a controlling prick, Rhysand was sleeping on Cassian and Azriel’s couch.
The door of the apartment burst open once more but it wasn’t Azriel who entered.
Mor came in, her cheer outfit neat and clean. She immediately went to the couch and ruffled Cassian's hair.
“I hate it when you do that,” he mumbled. “To what do we owe the pleasure, Morrigan?”
“Senior bonfire is tonight,” she grinned. “You two turds coming?”
Neither of them answered.
“Big college man too important to hang out with us high school kids?” Mor asked, sitting on top of Cassian's legs.
“Yes,” he answered, plainly.
Rhys laughed.
“Come,” Mor begged. “Rumor is Feyre will be there.”
Rhys blinked. “Is this coming from a reliable source or is this cheerleader gossip?”
Mor rolled her eyes. “Both. Elain is on the squad, and she told me that she’s bringing Feyre.”
Cassian looked to Rhys. “Reliable enough for you?”
“I’ll go if Cassian goes,” was all Rhysand said.
“Damn it,” Cassian muttered. “Fine.”
Mor clapped her hands. “Good! I feel like our little group hasn’t been spending enough time together. Amren is having withdrawals.”
“First of all, Amren showing emotion of any kind is shocking,” Cassian began. “Secondly, we literally spent every day this summer together.  But it’s nice to know that you can’t go so long without me, Morrigan.”
“Call me Morrigan one more time. I dare you.”
Cassian just grinned and poked her in the side.
Rhys shook his head as she swatted at him. The two of them could do this all day.
“Make Az come,” Mor said, rising to her feet. “After he says no, drag him by his earlobe.”
Az would say no.
He always said no.
Yet, he somehow always managed to tag along with their crazy little group.
He secretly loved them all.
“Yes, Morrigan,” Cassian crooned, dragging out her full name.
She pinched his arm before walking out of the apartment, slamming the door dramatically behind her.
“Good. Let’s go before dad gets back and tells me to change.”
Elain looked at her sister and chuckled. She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved, flannel button down.
“What does he expect you to wear? A turtle neck?”
Feyre chuckled. “Wouldn’t surprise me if he did.”
Elain slipped on her little brown ankle boots and stood, brushing down her tee shirt.
“Trying to impress somebody?” Feyre asked, brows raised as she grabbed her phone off Elain’s dresser.
“No,” Elain said, looking at herself one last time in the mirror. “But, if I happened to stumble upon someone, I wouldn’t be mad about it. And you? Think you’ll see Rhys?”
Feyre turned to leave. “I certainly hope not.”
“Why are you so against him?” Elain pressed, following her down the stairs. “He’s cute.”
“So you go out with him, then.”
Elain just smiled. “Don’t think so. Besides, he’s smitten with you.”
“Smitten?” Feyre repeated. “Who uses smitten?”
Elain took her keys and wallet from the little table by the door before she said, “It wouldn’t hurt you. To get yourself out there.”
“Why do I need someone?”
Elain rolled her eyes, locking the front door behind them. “I didn’t say you needed him. You don’t need anyone. But, you might have fun, and fun is not a bad thing.”
It wasn’t.
Yet, Feyre had secluded herself during her first three weeks at Velaris High. She had made no effort to make new friends. Rhysand tried talking to her, daily, and she dutifully ignored him.
Elain had stared at her in complete shock when Feyre accepted her offer to join her at the bonfire.
But as they pulled onto the field where the bonfire was taking place, Feyre felt uneasy. It wasn’t that she didn’t like other people. In fact, she used to be incredibly sociable. After her mother passed and things became tense between her and her father, though, she had been spending a lot more time alone.
And she liked the solitude.
Elain noticed her little sister’s shift in emotions. As she parked the car, she said, “If at any time you want to leave, find me and we’ll go. Okay?”
Feyre hated the look of concern that washed over Elain’s face. Elain was so excited. She didn’t want to ruin her night.
“It’ll be fun,” Feyre smiled. “I’ll be fine.”
At least, she would pretend to be.
“Someone spiked the punch.”
Azriel shook his head, completely unsurprised. “Who?”
Cassian shrugged. “Don’t know, but holy shit, that’s a lot of tequila.”
He looked at his plastic cup with a scrunched nose before taking another gulp.
Rhysand laughed. “Apparently it’s not stopping you.”
“Oh, it’s not stopping anyone. It’s gonna be a shit show up in here in about an hour.”
“Rhys!” Kallias called from where he stood around the fire pit. “Come help light it up!”
Rhysand sighed, hopping off the bed of his truck and trudging through the field to the fire pit.
“Long day at work?”
Azriel chuckled. “Yeah. Some old rich bastard came and yelled at me because I hadn’t started on his car yet.”
Cassian blinked. “When did he bring it in?”
“This morning. Told him we were backed up and it wouldn’t be done until tomorrow. Apparently, he wasn’t happy with that answer.”
Cassian shook his head. “Regret not going to college?”
“Not at all. Especially not after seeing your nose stuck in a book non-stop for the last month.”
Cassian raised his glass before taking another drink.
Azriel just laughed and fell back against the flannel blankets in the back of Rhys’ truck.
The sun was nearly down as Kallias began to howl. The fire came to life. Azriel had a hunch that a lot of lighter fluid was involved. High school seniors were not known for safely starting bonfires.
Azriel had graduated with Cassian the year before. While Cassian started at the university, Azriel made his part job time at the garage a full time job. He knew cars, he was good with them. School had never really been his thing. He’d gotten okay grades in high school, but nothing ever interested him too much. But, cars? He loved them.
“Never let Kallias be in charge of starting the fire again,” Rhys muttered, hopping up on the truck bed. “I need everyone to make note of that right now.”
Cassian laughed, a lot more than he should’ve. Azriel assumed it had a lot to do with the punch.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Cassian crooned. “Is tonight the night?”
Rhysand rolled his eyes as Azriel blinked. “The night? The night for what?”
“Cass is convinced she’s going home with me,” Rhys said, shaking his head. “Which would be surprising, considering she hates me.”
Azriel shoved Cassian in the knee with the bottom of his boot. “Don’t be an ass.”
Cassian gave them both his most innocent look. “What?”
“Listen to Az, he’s always been the gentleman of the group.”
Azriel rose up on his elbows to find Mor, along with Amren and a tall, curly black-haired girl, standing at the end of the tailgate.
Mor winked. “I’ve always liked that about you, Az.”
Az couldn’t help the smile that graced his mouth. “At least someone’s on my side.”
Amren’s eyes narrowed, glaring at Cassian’s cup. “How many of those have you had?”
“Oh, Amren,” he chuckled, jumping off the bed and tossing an arm around Amren’s shoulders as his boots hit the dirt. “Walk with me.”
He led her away, a small amused smirk on Amren’s lips as they went to find more punch.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us, Mor?” Rhys asked, nodding toward her date.
“Oh!” Mor said, twirling around and taking the girl’s hand. “This is Carmen. We met at Rita’s a few weeks ago.”
Rhys rose to his feet. “Weeks? And you haven’t told us about her? Damn, Morrigan.”
“Don’t call her Morrigan. She’ll beat your ass,” Azriel muttered, then smiled at Carmen. “Nice to meet you. Ignore him.” He jerked his head in Rhys’ direction.
Carmen laughed as the music began blaring from the speakers in the back of someone’s car.
Mor gasped. “I love this song! Let’s dance. Az, come dance with us.”
“I’ll watch,” he promised.
Mor rolled her eyes but didn’t try and beg him to change his mind.
Rhysand cursed under his breath and Azriel quickly followed his gaze.
But his eyes landed on a girl with brown hair in perfect ringlets and a soft, lavender tee handing off her pale shoulders.
He blinked.
“Who is that?”
“Elain,” Rhysand said, glancing down at where Azriel was lying in the bed. “Feyre’s sister.”
Azriel grunted and nodded, unable to avert his eyes. She was beautiful.
And looking far more excited than her sister.
Feyre looked in their direction, connected eyes with Rhysand, and lifted her cup before downing its contents.
The house was quiet.
Nesta knocked on the door, anyways.
She waited for a moment, on the dark quiet front porch, before the door swung open.
Her father stood on the welcome mat, eyes wide as he beheld his oldest daughter.
Her clothes were wrinkled, her hair buzzed, her eyes red and puffy.
“Elain said there’s a room for me.”
Isaac nodded, not saying a word.
“I’d like to live in it, if I can. Just for a little while.”
Isaac simply took his daughter’s frail frame into his arms.
After a minute passed and he didn’t let go, Nesta wrapped her arms around him, too.
“Of course,” he whispered, voice hoarse. “Of course.”
Chapter 4 coming soon.
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